Top 10 Explainer videos

Top 10 Explainer videos

Here we are showing Top 10 Explainer videos. Kindly check the all ten animated video and let me know your opinion about these Top 10 Explainer videos.

Top 10 Explainer videos
Top 10 Explainer videos

1.Mint – Mint has a good explainer video company which has proven itself with the fact that some of the business can be explained the best with the help of animation instead of live action.  The video helps to explain how it draws financial information from the different part of the life of users.  The video has also used some of the screenshots of the actual product so that the viewers are able to recognize the product and its arrangement.

2.Spotify – This explainer video is a complete animated video which has been made to explain the viewers about its digital music service. There is some exciting music and its fast pace does keeps the viewers engaged. However it can be said that has not over complicated itself.

3.Air BnB – The video has been created with a cool combination of live action and animation. The makers have made great efforts by showing the perks of Air BnB and explaining them verbally. Animation has been used to show some of the incredible host homes.

4. Dollar Shave Club – The product has been made even more interesting an appealing for the viewers by showcasing something very edgy. A wacky video has been made and the makers know its viewers well. The video has been targeted towards the 20s and 30s something year old men who are all set to buy a supply of razors online.

5. Zencash – The explainer video has been produced by Demo Duck and has a unique hand sketched style which attracts the viewers in. The most curious thing about it is that the video must at least have 75% of the visitor clicking play and watch the majority of the video.

6.Virgin America safety video – Many times safety instructions and demonstrations can be really boring if they are not created with interest. But the passengers at Virgin America have an interesting video which explains the in-flight safety instructions. The animations used to explain are creative as well as effective.

7. Christopher DanielsonExplainer videos can also be great in the field of education industry. Here is an animated explainer video where the lecturer does a great job in proving his point. The video begins with his own problem in mathematics and also figures out what other teachers try to explain.

8. B2B explainer video – Explainer video are the best in terms of business and animated videos can work wonderfully in terms of the B2B community. This can actually help people in making their business work.

9.Clever Commuter – Clever commuter is a video created by CleverCommuter. A community is created to share commuter woes questions and frustrations and also solutions. The video has all the features to develop interest.

Google Voice – Search engine giant Google realized the importance of explainer videos and created one to explain Google Voice. The product is explained with a informative voiceover and script.



Jonty Khandelwal
Jonty Khandelwal

Founder & CEO of

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