Animated 2D whiteboard explainer video production company

Hello Guys, Today we are showing you some cool animated explainer video company work and in this post, we cover some animation tricks so that you can understand how video marketing will change the online business game. Whiteboard video basically artwork video where one hand come up and draw some graphics according to your voiceover or its depend on your script.

Whiteboard video is the very good style in explainer video category. Once you place this kind of video on your business website. This kind of video increases your sales. Now you think how Animated 2D whiteboard explainer video increases your sales. So Now I will reveal the secret.

How to increase sales via 2D whiteboard explainer video

When you put this kind of video and visitor come to your website and see your content via this whiteboard video customer will like your idea and understand your product and one visitor understand your idea they will purchase your product.

Visitor change to Customer and This is the win-win situation.

But At this time whiteboard companies charge a lot of amounts. Now I tell you the idea of how to reduce whiteboard company pricing by around 30%. You will give the video script. Then every company reduces there pricing up to 30% because you have already done 30% there work. You already provide you the script and this is good because you understand your product and your vision regarding the script very well.

Here I am showing some images:

Animated 2D whiteboard explainer video production companyAnimated 2D whiteboard explainer video production company

In today’s market lot of whiteboard style then some based on stock footage and some of custom graphics. According to our perspective custom whiteboard video is the best. In this video, all the characters and design artwork are very unique and unique work always stand out from the crowd.

I know when you choose custom artwork whiteboard video your production cost a little bit high but don’t worry always think long.

Here we are showing some customer graphics 2D whiteboard board animated videos please check the below link.

But always remember your content is around 140-210 words because 1 min = 140 words and this kind of whiteboard videos audience like around 60-90 sec. so always make the whiteboard video around this duration than will result come because nobody wants long story. Everybody likes the short and sweet story to the point.

Whiteboard video is the trending styles. I hope you have received a good information in this article.

Now we are telling you who made this kind of the custom whiteboard video. Artist some great artist will do this kind of work.

And one more thing this kind of whiteboard video also use in learning website. This kind of video showing like someone teaches you so student and audience will understand.

Animated explainer video types

1. Explainer Video: This is the video where a character will appear and move around the video and this types of video not showing hand and drawing graphics because this is 2D animated explainer video.

2. Stop motion: In this video, some handy graft graphics will show and this graphics not move smoothly they move with jurk so they called stop motion video.

3. Motion graphics video:  In this video, no character will show in this video only graphics appear like text, icon, images etc. and animator animate these things than this kind of graphics called motion graphics video.

4. Whiteboard Video: You already read a lot of information regarding whiteboard video. Now I am again telling you whiteboard video is the sketchy graphics kind of video where one hand appears and draw all the graphics according to the script.

So basically this is the 5 main style, which covers explainer video market. I hope you choose best one but from our side, we recommend whiteboard video (60-90sec.)

Thank you so much for read Animated 2D whiteboard explainer video production company article, I hope you gain lots of knowladge..

Jonty Khandelwal
Jonty Khandelwal

Founder & CEO of

✍Writing is my hobby through which I share my thoughts🧠. Hope you will like it. 💕

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Our video starts from $295 incl. voice-over. No hidden charges. Hurry Up!! 😀