How to create promo video for my mobile app

How to create promo video for my mobile app

Showing mobile application in the usual way, is it enough to sell? Unless your application is not unique.One of the main press materials and marketing that must be considered production to apply your mobile video is a promotional and educational video tape.

A promotional video is a commercial video explaining the most important points of application and how to use it and its features and much to be achieved greater return.

It should include a real-life video of your application runs on the device, and some of the logo and maybe some cool animation and effects that take the idea and rear elements of your application to a level not possible on the device itself.

Promotional video shows the most important of your application points (you can take small portions of your promo video) and the extension of the video with more clips of the application to run (either on the device or on a simulator) and add an audio commentary covers the key features and basic functions of your application your.

First of all. Whenever you’re working with video, you need to create a storyboard. A good first step is to create the outline of the scenes.

How to create promo video for my mobile app


 The important things of the promotional video:

Scenes from the reality of life with a picture of a woman or a man are using the application and the application screen (probably families through simulation); Application screen a few of the more eye-catching methods shows are available in the mobile application
A scene from within the application showing how it works and what are the most important features
A scene from the reality of life found applications in use
Shows a scene from the application and ease of properties
Showing slides of pictures showing off several simulation clock styles
Lite application logo

Circular, should your promo video as follows:

Your company logo

Your application logo

Video of your application to run on a real device

Scenes depicting your application must be unique value:

a handful of features that distinguish your application from your competitors, and that makes your application more attractive for use by everyone.

Available on the store logo

Application URL

Some additional tips:

Be sure to select the path of great music, nice song.

Keep the video and SHORT TO-THE-POINT.

Two videos chose her for between 50 seconds and 1 minute.

If possible, cut the footage in the two versions of the video, and 30 seconds long and the commercial one minute.

The use of 16: 9 and equipment HD.

At the present time, and even low-cost HD camcorder to do a very decent job offer what looks like footage broadcast quality (especially when viewed through YouTube).

Do not forget that the video reference of your blog, the application site, described the store, fan page your Facebook, your Twitter account, etc …



Jonty Khandelwal
Jonty Khandelwal

Founder & CEO of

✍Writing is my hobby through which I share my thoughts🧠. Hope you will like it. 💕

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